

In partnership with G.A.R.Ç.E.S*

When women of Mediterranean seize new media for their rights!”!

Press release- 25  mars 2014

How did Mediterranean women take hold of social networks (blogs, videos, Facebook) to defend their rights?

What are the most innovative campaigns in Egypt, Tunisia, France...? What is the impact on their society?

The Mediterranean Women’s Fund organises a meeting with active women of these campaign. Such campaigns include creativity, diversity, interdisciplinary arts (video, graphics, photos, music, etc.).

Saturday, March 29, 2014 from 9:30 to 1:30 p.m. at Sciences Po Paris.
Room Albert Sorel, 27 rue Saint- Guillaume, 75007 Paris.
Metro: Rue du Bac and Saint Germain des Près.

The Mediterranean Women’s Fund will host
The Egyptian Association HarassMap Communication Officer, Eba'a El Tammami.
HarassMap fights against sexual harassment in the street, via a mobile application.

Founded by four girls,  HarassMap has established online mapping and mobile application that allows victims to alert the association via SMS and receive instant support and advice. And it works! This concept is spreading from India to Brazil.

Farah Barqawi of Women's’ Uprising in the Arab World "the uprising of women in the Arab world " is a Facebook page created after the Arab revolutions which brings together more than a hundred thousand people. From this sentence, " I am for the uprising of women in the Arab world because ... ", this campaign calls on women to post pictures of themselves holding a sign where their demands are written.

Natacha Henry, co-director of animation films for the French association Libre Terre des femmes.10 animated shorts movies available online in 9 languages ​ to inform women of their rights against domestic violence.

Note: All interventions will be in English (no simultaneous translation).

* About the organizers

The FFMed is a fund that supports women for their emancipation, from north to south across the Mediterranean in 21 countries. Currently, the FFmed supports and monitors 100 programs whose priority is to strengthen and to enhance the ability of young women to fight for equal rights, to support innovative projects in this effort, and to help young women's associations to develop.

 G.A.R.Ç.ES (Groupe d’Action et de Réflexion Contre l’Environnement Sexiste) is a feminist collective created at Sciences Po Paris as a result of the mobilization against the retirement’s pension reform in 2010 and, more specifically, after finding that the distribution of speaking time between students in General Assembly is uneven.
G.A.R.Ç.ES suggests bringing together all the people who believe in these values ​​and in this feminist project of social change.