
Happy New Year !

Dear all,

Let’s start this New Year with a quick overview of our first meeting in Paris, last October 12th 2012!

Indeed, our 6 organizations met along with 2 other invited groups to launch our partnership on the use of media to fight against xenophobia and discrimination. We – Humanity in Action France, The Mediterranean Women’s Fund (France), Public Achievement (Northern Ireland), the Association for Social Change (Turkey), the International Association for Intercultural Education and Humanity in Action Netherlands – took this opportunity to introduce ourselves to each other and to briefly present our actions.
We then discussed the partnership and the workplan, including an agreement to update our blog (here we are !) and to share success stories in order to edit a booklet to help us transfer those good practices.

To sum up, we agreed that:
  • We commit to update our blog
  • We commit to share success stories and good practices to build a collective booklet suitable for European transfer (the target group being other adult learning organizations): each organization must contribute two pages.
  • Our next meeting will be held in Amsterdam, Netherlands, on Friday 5th and Saturday 6th of April (we need to arrive on the 4th and leave on the 7th)
  • We agreed to set dates 2 months in advance and to have the agenda one month in advance
  • That HIA France will contact Grundtvig to ensure that there will also be a meeting in Istanbul (which was forgotten in the application)
  • That host organizations will pay for the dinner of their guests and that we can invite other organizations to those dinner to make them a networking session as well.

During the afternoon, we reviewed how our organizations were using traditional and new media and what for. We thought of what kind of media we were using to support our campaigns and programs. We realized that other media existed and that we could make different uses of them. It made us think about our ability to mobilize and use them.

Then, Marwan Mohammed was invited to talk about the new media campaign of the Collective Against Islamophobia in France (see the story  in "Success stories").
We turned to Tara Dickman who presented a campaign against police profiling in France, organized by the group Stop Racial Profiling and based on the use of video and media (see the story and the videos in "Success stories").

To end this launching meeting, we had a dinner at the Institute of Islamic Cultures with all the participants as well as Humanity in Action France senior fellows and German Marshall Fund participants.

We all look forward seeing you in April in Amsterdam !